Fangchein from Taiwan.
ESPER World Wide Style 100 in Tokyo 14/100.
ESPER World Wide Style 100 in Tokyo.は2020年に向けて、街で出会った100人の個性溢れるチャーミングな人たちにESPERのかわいいスタイルモデルになって頂く企画です。国際色豊かな人たちとデザインで繋がっていきたい。World Wideに広がるESPERの「かわいい」をぜひお楽しみください。
“ESPER WORLD STYLE 100 IN TOKYO” is a part of our promotion toward 2020 Tokyo Olympic.
We are trying to find charming people with interesting personality to be our hair style model.
Our desire is to be connected with people from all over the world through our excellent design,
and we are hoping you to enjoy our “ KAWAII “ design.